I've been too lax with performing DB backups on our internal servers.
Is there a simple command line program that I can use to backup certain databases in SQL Server 2005? Or is there a simple VBScript?
I've been too lax with performing DB backups on our internal servers.
Is there a simple command line program that I can use to backup certain databases in SQL Server 2005? Or is there a simple VBScript?
Schedule the following to backup all Databases:
Use Master
Declare @ToExecute VarChar(8000)
Select @ToExecute = Coalesce(@ToExecute + 'Backup Database ' + [Name] + ' To Disk = ''D:\Backups\Databases\' + [Name] + '.bak'' With Format;' + char(13),'')
[Name] Not In ('tempdb')
and databasepropertyex ([Name],'Status') = 'online'
There are also more details on my blog: how to Automate SQL Server Express Backups.
If you can find the DB files... "cp DBFiles backup/"
Almost for sure not advisable in most cases, but it's simple as all getup.
To backup a single database from the command line, use osql or sqlcmd.
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn\osql.exe"
-E -Q "BACKUP DATABASE mydatabase TO DISK='C:\tmp\db.bak' WITH FORMAT"
You'll also want to read the documentation on BACKUP and RESTORE and general procedures.
The mentioned command line utility osql is replaced by sqlcmd in Microsoft SQL Server 2005.
I user ExpressMaint.
To backup all user databases i do:
C:>ExpressMaint.exe -S (local)\sqlexpress -D ALL_USER -T DB -BU HOURS -BV 1 -B c:\backupdir\ -DS