




I'm using ajax to update a textbox once the value in a drop down box has been selected. However, i only update/put text in it if certain conditions are met, so it looks rubbish when there is no message. I was thinking that having a label there would be much better, but is this possible? Can i have an empty label and just update the label text when needed?

Cheers leddy


I'm using php and when the drop down box is selected, I am querying a mysql db (in the reports.php page) - depending on what the result of that is, decides whether i update the textbox or not:

function getHTTPObject(){
   if (window.ActiveXObject) return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
   else if (window.XMLHttpRequest) return new XMLHttpRequest();
   else {
   alert("Your browser does not support AJAX.");
   return null;

// Change the value of the outputText field
function setOutput(){
 if(httpObject.readyState == 4){
  document.getElementById('outputText').value = httpObject.responseText;


function checkException()

 httpObject = getHTTPObject();
 if (httpObject != null)
 {"GET", "reports.php?exceptions="
      +document.getElementById('exceptionsID').value+"&date1=" + document.getElementById('date1').value, true);
  httpObject.onreadystatechange = setOutput;

var httpObject = null;

the textbox is 'outputText' and is set in the setOutput() function

Hope this explains a little better



Change the textbox into a span, and keep the id the same. Then change the code to set the innerHTML instead of the value:

// Change the value of the outputText field
function setOutput(){
        if(httpObject.readyState == 4){
                document.getElementById('outputText').innerHTML= httpObject.responseText;

thanks for the response!

Assuming you're using ASP.NET, yes you can. Using the Text property of the label.

Robert Massa
+2  A: 

Something like this should change the text of the label.

// Change the value of the outputText field
function setOutput(){
        if(httpObject.readyState == 4){
                document.getElementById('outputText').innerHTML= httpObject.responseText;


I updated my original post to reflect the code that was provided. This assumes that you are using the <label>, <div>, or <span> tags


The simplest way to handle this without a textbox is to create a SPAN tag, give it an id of "outputText", and then change the innerText of the SPAN like this:

function setOutput() {
   if(httpObject.readyState == 4) {
       document.getElementById('outputText').innerText = httpObject.responseText;

Inside your HTML, you'll have your label defined like this:

<span id="outputText">Some default text here</span>

Of course, some CSS styling of the SPAN might be a good thing, but that's another matter for another time. Depending on your layout needs, a DIV tag may be better than a SPAN.

Tracy Probst
It looks like others beat me to the answer as I was typing mine up. Using innerHTML will work just as well as innerText. With innerHTML, you can throw some markup into the exception text and make it look really nice.
Tracy Probst
thanks, the <span> tag did it!