The short answer is "Not with valid, standard, semantically correct HTML". (HTML 5 isn't standard yet and needs hacks to get it to work in various browsers)
You can achieve it if you resort to invalid techniques, or by throwing away headings, but this isn't a good idea.
A reasonable number of users skim links in documents looking for useful ones. Screen reader users are a good example. If the link text is huge (as it would be in your example) this benefit is lost.
Using JavaScript is a good solution here (but, naturally, only in a way which is still functional if JS is not available).
I'll use jQuery for this example (it does sufficient different things with the DOM to justify it).
<div class="summary">
<h4><a href='#'>Small Heading</a></h4>
<p>Small amount of text</p>
jQuery('div.summary').click(function () {
jQuery('a', this).click();
I haven't tested this, but if click() doesn't do what I expect you can replace it with:
jQuery('div.summary').click(function () {
document.location = jQuery('a', this).attr('href');
If JavaScript is not available, the heading is still a clickable link. If it is, then the whole area can be clicked.
You can add hover effects with:
div.hoverable:hover { background-color: green; }
(This way the hover effect won't fire if JS is not available but CSS is)