



In textmate on OS X there is a handy feature when you select text.

If you hold the option key down the cursor turns into cross-hairs and you can select a vertical column of text and paste it back as a vertical column with the lines rows preserved.

Does Flex Builder or Eclipse have the same feature? Not sure what to call it.

If so, what is the key combo?

+1  A: 

Just same Alt-Left MB and drag a selection box

+1  A: 

It should be possible from version 3.5 and above using ALT+SHIFT+A. See here.

+3  A: 

In Eclipse it is called Block Selection Mode and available in the newest version 3.5 (Galileo). The key combination to toggle it is Alt-Shift-A.

In Emacs this is called a rectangle and the commands working on these are called *-rectangle, e.g. kill-rectangle.
