



I have a link_to_remote function that updates columns in a table. However, it does not properly update the cell or its properties.

For example:

Here is the element I am updating:

 <div id= "calendar_div_<%= i%>_<%=j%>" style = "display :inline;"><td class="checkedout">X</td></div>

Using this call:

  <%= link_to_remote 'Current Week', :url => { :action => :current_week } %>


render :update do |page|

                    page["Week_div"].replace_html session[:next_week].to_s

                    for i in 0..23 do
                            for j in 0..6 do
                                    page["calendar_div_"+i.to_s+"_"+j.to_s].replace_html '<td class="available">Available</td>'

However, it never updates the <td> tag properly. The element never updates the text properly nor does it color code the element (td.available is defined to have a background color of green).


Make sure you have Prototype included in your application.

<%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>

Also if you don't have valid HTML sometimes prototype will have trouble traversing the DOM. Try validating the page, specifically fixing any tags which don't have a closing one.

Beyond that you can try to isolate the problem by experimenting. Try this for example.

<div id="calendar_div_0_1"><td class="checkedout">X</td></div>
<%= link_to_function "update", "$('calendar_div_0_1').update('<td class=\"available\">Available</td>');" %>

That works for me.

<%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %> <style sheet defined here> <table> <th> testing </th> <tr> <div id="calendar_div_0_2"> I'ma a test</div> <tr> <div id="calendar_div_0_1"><td class="checkedout">X</td></div> </table> <br> <%= link_to_function "update", "$('calendar_div_0_1').update('<td class=\"available\">Available</td>');" %> <br> <%= link_to_function "update 2", "$('calendar_div_0_2').update('<td class=\"available\">Available</td>');" %>
Tyler K
Update 2 works, yet update does not.However, both updates don't change the color of the <td> tag
Tyler K
This will replace the text AND highlight the word 'Availalble' in green: <td class="checkedout"><div id="calendar_div_0_2"> I'ma a test</div></td>However, there is a red box surrounding the word 'Available', where the `<td class="checkedout">` tag is not totally replaced by: `<%= link_to_function "update 2", $('calendar_div_0_2').update('<td class=\"available\">Available</td>');" %>`.
Tyler K
Further, the 'update' link places the word 'Available' above the table, it does NOT replace the text. It also does not have the colored background.
Tyler K
It is very likely the problem has to do with `<div>` being embedded in the middle of a table. This is invalid and likely messing up DOM traversing/replacing. I highly recommend validating the HTML and removing the divs. Place the `id` attribute in the `td` tag instead: <td class="checkedout" id="calendar_div_0_1 ">X</td>
I'll try that.I can't validate the code as it is hosted internally.
Tyler K

In order to do this, ryanb was mostly correct. You can't do it using <div><td> tag order. Rather you need to use an id for the <td> tag.

However, this was STILL not correctly updating the cell to overwrite the color; the previous background was still appearing, with the new overriding the area where they overlapped. To properly replace the entire element use the following syntax instead:

 $("calendar_div_0_1").replace("<td class=\"available\">Available</td>");

Rather than using update, use replace.

Tyler K