



I'm using this free RegExp Designer which does find and replace. How do I search for all numbers and add thousand separators?

Input:      <node num='12345678'>
Output:     <node num='12,345,678'>
+4  A: 

That said, if you're working with this data as anything other than strings at some point, whatever language you're working in probably has facilities for formatting numeric output.

John Hyland
@Jeremy, did you try putting `(?<=\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))` in the Regular Expression field and `,` in the Replace Expression field?
Alan Moore
Excellent! Thank you. Much of this goes over my head!
Just one more thing, how do I let this regex only run for the "num" attribute's value? Because right now it replaces every number it finds!
That's a very different question. See my answer for that.
Alan Moore
+2  A: 

To reformat numbers only in "num" attribute values you can do this:


But note that this will only work in .NET regexes, which is what RegExp Designer uses. Most regex flavors only allow lookbehinds that match a fixed number of characters. Java regexes allow variable-length lookbehinds as long as there's an obvious maximum length, so you can fake it out by using {min,max} quantifier an arbitrary number for the maximum:


John Hyland's regex will work in any flavor that supports lookbehinds.

EDIT: I almost forgot; here's how you can do it without lookbehinds:


I like this one best for purely aesthetic reasons. :)

EDIT2: I forgot to mention that the replacement string for the last one is "$1,"

Alan Moore
My data: <node num='12345678'> 50000 </node> -- I don't want to convert the 50000 number, only the 12345678 one. How can I do this?
Have you tried the regex in this answer? It works for me.
Alan Moore