



Hello, i have a model named 'chapter' (whose only attributes are 'name' and 'course__id') which belongs to "course" (and a course has_many chapters). on the course 'Show' view, I list all chapters for that course. Easy.

I want to add a form at the end of the list so that a user can easily create a new chapter.

so in my controller, I've added this:

    @[email protected]

and the form on the view looks like this:

<% form_for([@course,@newchapter]) do |c| -%>
  <%= c.label :name, "New Chapter" %>:  <%= c.text_field :name %>
    <%= c.submit 'Create' %>
<% end %>

(for the sake of clarity: it is outside of the @course.chapters.each block)

Now, the problem is that @course.chapters.size is the actual number of chapters + the empty one i created in the controller.

Is there a way to loop through all @course.chapters except the last (empty) one? or is there a better practice (i.e. not create @newchapter or not like this)?

thanks, Pierre


You don't want to use here because this does add an empty chapter to the course. Instead you'll want to use and set the :course option like this.

@newchapter = => @course)

It may not even be necessary to specify :course here depending on how you are using @newchapter.

Thanks a lot for your quick help! the :course is indeed not even needed. I'm sure i tried it so there had to be something wrong.
About time you showed up to stackoverflow, ryanb.