I suspect I'm doing something stupid here, but I'm confused by what seems like a simple problem with SPL:
How do I modified the contents of an array (the values in this example), using a RecursiveArrayIterator / RecursiveIteratorIterator?
Using the follow test code, I can alter the value within the loop using getInnerIterator() and offsetSet(), and dump out the modified array while I'm within the loop.
But when I leave the loop and dump the array from the iterator, it's back to the original values. What's happening?
$aNestedArray = array();
$aNestedArray[101] = range(100, 1000, 100);
$aNestedArray[201] = range(300, 25, -25);
$aNestedArray[301] = range(500, 0, -50);
$cArray = new ArrayObject($aNestedArray);
$cRecursiveIter = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($cArray), RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY);
// Zero any array elements under 200
while ($cRecursiveIter->valid())
if ($cRecursiveIter->current() < 200)
$cInnerIter = $cRecursiveIter->getInnerIterator();
// $cInnerIter is a RecursiveArrayIterator
$cInnerIter->offsetSet($cInnerIter->key(), 0);
// This returns the modified array as expected, with elements progressively being zeroed
$aNestedArray = $cRecursiveIter->getArrayCopy();
// But this returns the original array. Eh??