I just wanna learn how to read Iframe content in onLoad event of iframe and write it's content to the main page ? Thanks..
I just wanna learn how to read Iframe content in onLoad event of iframe and write it's content to the main page ? Thanks..
var doc = null;
doc = xiframe.document || xiframe.contentDocument || xiframe.contentWindow && xiframe.contentWindow.document || null;
} catch(err) {
alert('error: ' + err.description);
try {
if(!doc) {
return false;
} catch(err) {
alert('error: ' + err.description);
return false;
If these two documents are in the same domain, you can use the window.parent.document object in the child document's onload event handler to access the parent document.
I have struggled with same this past day. It seems to matter how you access the iframe. If you use document.getElementById() you get an Iframe object, which has no onload event. However, if you access through window.frames[] array, for example
var iframeWindow = top.frames['iframeID'],
you get a window object, which does have onload event.
(ie uses the frame id attribute , but ff uses name attribute. So use both and make the same)
You can then assign
Notice, since iframeWindow is a window object, you use window syntax to access content.