



Okay... Seems i can't find it with google... so here you go SO ;)

How do i empty the drupal caches:

  • without the Devel module
  • without running some PHP Statement in a new node etc.
  • without going into the database itself

Effectively, how do you instruct a luser to clear his caches

+5  A: 

When you are logged as an admin (obviously, not every user of the site has to power to clear the cache), there should be a page in "Administer > Site Configuration > Performance".

And, at the bottom of the page, there should be a button (something like "Clear cached data") to clear the cache

As far as I remember, there's no need for Devel to do that, and you really don't need to go to the database, nor run some home-made PHP code.

As a reference, you can take a look at How to Clear Drupal Server-side cache

thanks, that was exactly the answer that i was looking a seasoned drupaller I'm so used to having access to the devel module, i tend to forget the most easiest actions ;)
You're welcome :-) (I admit, I had to think for a while to remember -- to much using of Devel too ^^ -- And I prefered checking with google before posting, as a security measure :-D )
+2  A: 

You can also use the Drush module, which allows you to use the command line to execute popular Drupal commands, like "drush cron" or "drush cache clear".

Indeed! It's much simpler to go to the command line and type 'drush cc all' :)
+1  A: 

I have the easiest solution for that. Install admin_menu module (actually not only for this purpose, once you have installed this module, you wont regret it for sure, link: Ok, then on a newly appeared top dropdown menu hover your favicon and dropdown menu will appear, and you will see: Flush all caches menu. One click - one flush. Moreover you can flush all caches together or select what to flush: Pages, menu, themes etc. Try and you will never go back )

Admin menu is bloated and can create performance issues for people logged in. It also had issues back in the day where it would call menu_router_build on almost every page.

It would be awesome if you could just GET the behavior by hitting:
but you can't.
However I do want to note the URL for short-cutting through the admin menu (use the latter part):
http://drupal.local. /admin/settings/performance


On-demand clearing can be done in Administer > Site Configuration > Performance.

You should setup the cron job to run every hour (or whatever interval to your liking).

When cron is run on Drupal, all caches are cleared and rebuilt without the need for a human to manually do it.

If this question pertains to theming, you should disable the caching mechanisms (css/js aggregation) and you won't have to clear the cache data when you make changes.



I had to de-install the "devel" module (it was incompatible with Special Menu Items, which I needed worse), so I made my own.

Anywhere you see MODULENAME replace it with the name of your module.

STEP 1: Add to any module (preferably one of your custom modules) in the HOOK_MENU, before the "return $items" line:

// short cut for flushing the caches:
$items['flush-cache'] = array(
  'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  'title' => t('Flush the cache'),
  'description' => 'MODULENAME Custom Cache Flush',
  'page callback' => 'MODULENAME_flush_cache',
  'access callback' => TRUE,

STEP 2: Now, in the same module file, where it's not "inside" any other function, add:

/**  Page callback  **/
function MODULENAME_flush_cache() {
  return 'Caches were flushed.';

Now, you can just go to the URL "/flush-cache" on your site to flush the cache. (After you flush the cache one last time the old way.)

STEP 3: If you want it REALLY convenient, add the following to your page.tpl.php file. You can put it pretty much anywhere between <body> and </body>. NOTE: $my_is_test is a variable I use that's TRUE on my test system, and FALSE in production. If you don't have something like that, replace it with TRUE or FALSE to turn it on or off:

<?php if ($my_is_test): ?>
<a style="text-align:left; position:absolute; right:2px; top:20px;" href="<?=$base_path?>flush-cache" onclick="this.innerHTML = '<b><blink><big>Wait...</big></blink></b>';">flush</a>
<? endif; ?>

And voila! You have a "flush" link at the top-right corner of every page you can click on. Feel free to change the "right" and "top" amounts (or change "right" to "left" or "top" to "bottom" to put it wherever you like it. This link positioning only works on modern browsers, but it's only for you, so it shouldn't be a problem, right?
