



I'm still pretty new to Rails and need your help: I have been creating a social fitness analytics site ( that has an activity stream that lists workouts posted on the site. Several pages currently show the 10 most recently updated workouts. I'd like to add a link at the bottom to "Older workouts." On click, this should show the next 10 workouts in the page, immediately below the first 10, with a new link to Older below (now 20 displayed in the page) -- just like the news stream on Facebook and several other social networks.

What I've tried so far:

  1. I'm currently using a find with :limit to get the first N results
  2. I can set up a unique find with :limit and :offset for each set of N results with hidden divs, but that's lame and does not extend well

I also looked at:

  1. pagination, including will_paginate, but not clear whether this can help for in same page chunking?
  2. collections...?

What is the right/a good way to do this?

Also, how can I include records from multiple tables in this sort of stream? E.g., list could include workouts from one table, journal entries from another, comments from a third, all intermixed and sorted by date?

Thank you!


Will_paginate will do the job, just pass in the page you want:

<%= link_to "Older Posts", model_route_path(:page => next_page) %>

As for the second question, simply create a Feeds model (or tack it onto an existing one). Then have a method which fetches recent entries from the various other models and sorts them by created_at date. I would probably implement #recent method on each of the models and call that in your Feed object.


class Feed
  def index
    entries = []
    entries << Journal.recent
    entries << Comment.recent
    # etc
    entries.sort_by {|entry| entry['created_at']}

class Journal < ActiveRecord::Base
  def recent
    self.find_all_by_created_at(:limit => 10)

Or something like that. You will have to be very careful about scalability here.

Thanks! I'm running into some other problems getting will_paginate to work, but have posted to the will_paginate group. Being a newbie gets oh so tiring... ;)The feed approach makes perfect sense at current scale. Thanks for the pointer!