Ok, so basically I am using the fckeditor as a way for my user to enter some information. When it is stored in the DB it is stored like so,
<p> </p>
<div style=\"margin: 0in 0in 10pt\"><b><span style=\"color: #666666\">Test Title</span></b><span style=\"color: #666666\"> <br />
Address goes here <br />
This is some lengthy text about the location. This is some lengthy text about the location. This is some lengthy text about the location. This is some lengthy text about the location. This is some lengthy text about the location. This is some lengthy text about the location.</span></div>
So anyway, when I output this text it is sent into a function that takes it and creates a pinpoint on a google map and that text goes inside of the popup window. The problem I am running into is that when the php outputs the javascript function call it looks like this,
showAddress(" <p> </p>
<div style=\"margin: 0in 0in 10pt\"><b><span style=\"color: #666666\">Test Title</span></b><span style=\"color: #666666\"> <br />
Address goes here <br />
This is some lengthy text about the location. This is some lengthy text about the location. This is some lengthy text about the location. This is some lengthy text about the location. This is some lengthy text about the location. This is some lengthy text about the location.</span></div>");
The space after the line breaks and basically whenever you hit enter is causing the javascript to exit with an 'unterminated string literal'.