I have some data of balances ($), dates, and memos. I want to plot this as a line graph. I was happily plotting away with http://www.maani.us/xml_charts/ until I realized that my x-axis was off: there aren't balances for every day, and sometimes there are multiple balances on a single day. How can I compensate for this (space out the dates appropriately)?. I tried using unix_timestamps for the dates so that it could have a numeric value, but this only works for scatter plots (and it sucks at that). The memos I want to appear as tooltips.
Are there any other libraries/APIs that can handle this? Will Fusion Charts do it? Basically I need a chart API that can handle numeric values for both the X and Y axis, but allows me to rename the X axis so it doesn't actually appear as numbers, and supports tooltips (ie is flash based).