Lets say I have a website with links to various books on my main page.
<a href='books.php?id=1'>Book 1</a>
<a href='books.php?id=2'>Book 2</a>
<a href='books.php?id=4'>Book 3</a>
Books 1-3 are in my system, however id=3 is apart of another catelog that I'm not showing or authorizing through this section of the site. So if a user clicked on Book 3, then changed the id=4 to id=3, they could simply pull up the record (assuming I don't have proper session checking).
Is there a good way to obscure the get id that you're passing when trying to pull a specific record? it seems by passing just the id would be easy to request pages that, without proper querying and session checking, you would be able to get another result.
Is there a better way to do this?