



I'd like to make a simple HTML 5 "hello world" app. What tools do I need to get started and what's a good resource to read? I'm working in a Windows environment.

+1  A: 

A text editor is the only tool you need to write HTML, a browser is the only tool you need to display it. HTML doesn't really create "apps" per se, as it's really just a markup language used to format content.

Basic introduction here:


Use your notepad for the text editor and check out for basic help on the subject.

yaar zeigerman
+1  A: 

HTML 5 is just HTML with more stuff. You can probably use whatever tools you already use for old HTML. For more information about it, you can read the HTML 5 spec, differences in HTML 5, or the w3schools intro.

+1  A: 

Your question sounds a little bit strange, as a webpage is not really considered as an application.

My first advice would be that, before you learn HTML5, first learn HTML4. I know that might sounds stupid. Once you have made a decent HTML4 site, then you will look at the HTML5 specification, and it will make sense—you will know what to do with it.

Here are some resources to refer to in your adventures :
