



It's been a while since I've installed PHP for Windows, but every guide I've seen online tells me to set IIS to recognize .PHP files with php5isapi.dll. However, I can't seem to find php5isapi.dll anywhere after installing PHP 5.3.0 and PHP 5.2.10.

If I recall correctly it should be in C:\InstallDir

Am I missing something important?

+3  A: 

The path is : C:\PHP\php5isapi.dll

EDIT : A step-by-step guide.

Moayad Mardini
It looks like the binary versions don't install php5isapi.dll, which was my problem.
AFAIK, you can download the DLL alone.
Moayad Mardini

Obviously, I guess Seu wanted to say C:\Php by C:\InstallDir

I have the same case, installation dir is free of php5isapi.dll

I would try downloading the binaries (rather than the installer). I found php5isapi.dll in those zips, but the .exe/.msi doesn't seem to install that dll for some reason.
I downloaded the zip and it's NOT in there.
Pete Alvin
+1  A: 

I would try downloading the binaries (rather than the installer). I found php5isapi.dll in those zips, but the .exe/.msi doesn't seem to install that dll.

If you download the binary zip file from the php5isapi.dll is in the release, but seems to be missing from the 5.3.3 release.
+1  A: 

Fastcgi replaced php5isapi.dll


Can you please tell how to configure FastCGI on IIS 7 (Windows Vista)?

+1  A: 

Hendrik wrote:

Fastcgi replaced php5isapi.dll

Does it? And why - for heaven's sake - doesn't install.txt (or any other doc for that matter) mention that with a single word? Neither the installation howto nor any other readme for PHP 5.3 says that ISAPI is replaced by CGI. So far Fastcgi was an alternative for ISAPI, or vice versa. Just omitting one doesn't make the other a replacement.

Don Quijote
Is this a question or an answer?
I'm just as confused! I also can't find php5isapi.dll.
Pete Alvin

FastCGI 1 take option FastCGI when install php 2 start IIS, add mapping (asignacion de controladores) ext FastCGI restart
