I think what you're looking for here is request, session or application data.
In a servlet you can add an object as an attribute to the request object, session object or servlet context object:
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
String shared = "shared";
request.setAttribute("sharedId", shared); // add to request
request.getSession().setAttribute("sharedId", shared); // add to session
this.getServletConfig().getServletContext().setAttribute("sharedId", shared); // add to application context
request.getRequestDispatcher("/URLofOtherServlet").forward(request, response);
If you put it in the request object it will be available to the servlet that is forwarded to until the request is finished:
If you put it in the session it will be available to all the servlets going forward but the value will be tied to the user:
Until the session expires based on inactivity from the user.
Is reset by you:
Or one servlet removes it from scope:
If you put it in the servlet context it will be available while the application is running:
Until you remove it: