A Combobox in the following constellation (extremely pruned code) has problems resizing in IE6. A little debugging revealed that it doesn't receive an event when trying to shrink the west region via splitter.
var grid = new Ext.Viewport({
layout: 'border'
,items: [{
region: 'west'
,width: 200
,layout: 'fit'
,split: true
,items: [{
layout: 'accordion'
,items: [{
layout: 'Anchor'
,items: [{
xtype: 'combo'
,anchor: '100%'
,triggerAction: 'all'
,selectOnFocus: true
,mode: 'local'
,emptyText: 'bitte wählen'
,displayField: 'displayText'
,store: new Ext.data.ArrayStore({
fields: ['displayText'],
data: [['item1'], ['item2']]
region: 'center'
,html: 'content'
,renderTo: Ext.getBody()