There are several ways to construct an immutable list in scala (see contrived example code below). You can use a mutable ListBuffer, create a var list and modify it, use a tail recursive method, and probably others that I don't know about.
Instinctively, I use the ListBuffer but don't have a good reason for doing so. Is there a preferred or idiomatic method for creating a list, or are there situations that are best for one method over another?
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
// THESE are all the same as: 0 to 3 toList.
def listTestA() ={
var list:List[Int] = Nil
for(i <- 0 to 3) list = list ::: List(i)
def listTestB()={
val list = new ListBuffer[Int]()
for (i <- 0 to 3) list += i
def listTestC() ={
def _add(l:List[Int], i:Int):List[Int] = i match {
case 3 => l ::: List(3)
case _ => _add(l ::: List(i), i +1)
_add(Nil, 0)