




i have the following code in the asp.net mvc view

if (isLoggedInUserAdmin)
     <%=Html.ActionLink("View", "Details", new {id = item.Mail_ID})%>,
     <a href='/Users/ConfirmDelete?id= <%=item.Mail_ID%>' class="delete">Delete</a>
if (userRequiresApproval)
      ,<%= Html.ActionLink("Approve", "Approve", new { id = item.Mail_ID })%>

The issue is that it shows up as:

View, Delete , Approve

instead of

View, Delete, Approve

Does anyone know why there would be a space between Delete and the next "," ??

+2  A: 

More than likely it's from between the {%> on the one line and the , on the next line.

I would forgo the nice indentation and deal with having tag soup by getting <%} if (userRequiresApproval) {%>,<%=... onto a single line. Do this as much as possible until the space goes away.

You may also need to get the Delete anchor on the same line as the if (userRequiresApproval) statement, as well.

Tim S. Van Haren

There's a newline and a bunch of whitespace between your link and your comma. You'll need to strip it all out if you don't want any space there.
