



Hi guys, in django admin the views that show the register's just have a link to "edit", but what happen if a need an extra(S) links to another views? for example: i have view that show the list of registered People, the nick is linking to the Edit page (the normal way of Django), but i need another links that will show me the "articles" of the people and another the "comments" of the people. how ill make this with django admin? Thanks

+1  A: 

(I'm assuming some field names from your models to answer)

Make the author field from "comment" searchable:

class CommentAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
   search_fields = ("=author",)

Use list_display and HTML to control what's displayed on the people's list admin page:

def comments(obj):
    return ('<a href="/admin/pathto/comments/?q=%s">comments</a>' %
comments.short_description = 'comments'
comments.allow_tags = True

class PeopleAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display = ("name", comments,)

And change /admin/pathto/comments/ to whatever your comment's admin list page is.

Basically you're going to direct your users to the comments search result page.

+1, this is absolutely the right way to do it, except I think it's better to keep the function as a method of the ModelAdmin subclass - in which case it will be `def comments(self, obj)`.
Daniel Roseman
Thanks guys, let me try :)