



Hello, my configuration:

Windows 2008 IIS 7 PHP 5.2.10 / FastCGI Memcache as a Windows Service I tried to use the php_memcache extension for PHP but it doesn't load. This extension comes with PECL 5.2.6

Any idea? Do you know if exist a php_memcache"d" extension for PHP on Windows?

BR Santiago


I think you could have searched on, say, Google, first. and if you found some problems then couuld have asked here ... anyhow just had a quick look on Google and found below .. please check if it is relevant to you.


This is how they got memcache to work on my windows machine:

   1. Download memcache from [grab the 'win32 binary' version]
   2. Install memcache as a service:
          * Unzip and copy the binaries to your desired directory (eg. c:\memcached) [you should see one file, memcached.exe] – thanks to Stephen for the heads up on the new version
          * If you’re running Vista, right click on memcached.exe and click Properties. Click the Compatibility tab. Near the bottom you’ll see Privilege Level, check “Run this program as an administrator”.
          * Install the service using the command: c:\memcached\memcached.exe -d install from the command line
          * Start the server from the Microsoft Management Console or by running one of the following commands: c:\memcached\memcached.exe -d start, or net start "memcached Server"

Now that you have memcache installed, you’ll have to tie it in with PHP in order to use it.

   1. Check your php extensions directory [should be something like: C:\php\ext] for php_memcache.dll
      If you don’t have any luck finding it, try looking at one of these sites:
      - [thanks to Henrik Gemal]
      - [currently down]
      - for PHP 5.2.*
      - for PHP 5.1.* [thanks, Rich]
   2. Now find your php.ini file [default location for XP Pro is C:\WINDOWS\php.ini] and add this line to the extensions list:


   3. Restart apache
   4. Run this code to test the installation: [found on]

          $memcache = new Memcache;
          $memcache->connect("localhost",11211); # You might need to set "localhost" to ""

          echo "Server's version: " . $memcache->getVersion() . "<br />\n";

          $tmp_object = new stdClass;
          $tmp_object->str_attr = "test";
          $tmp_object->int_attr = 123;

          echo "Store data in the cache (data will expire in 10 seconds)<br />\n";

          echo "Data from the cache:<br />\n";

If you see anything but errors, you are now using memcache!
+1  A: 

Wbdvlpr - you've missed the emphasis the original poster put on the fact they are looking for php_memcached.dll, not php_memcache.dll

Web searches for php_memcached.dll mostly do seem to lead to php_memcache.dll.

Mark White