



I have a Java MouseListener on a component to detect mouse presses. How can I tell which monitor the mouse press occurred in?

public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
  // I want to make something happen on the monitor the user clicked in

The effect I'm trying to achieve is: when the user presses the mouse button in my app, a popup window shows some info, until the mouse is released. I want to ensure this window is positioned where the user clicks, but I need to adjust the window position on the current screen so that the entire window is visible.

+5  A: 

You can get display information from java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment. You can use this to get a information about your local system. Including the bounds of each monitor.

Point point = event.getPoint();

GraphicsEnvironment e 
     = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();

GraphicsDevice[] devices = e.getScreenDevices();

Rectangle displayBounds = null;

//now get the configurations for each device
for (GraphicsDevice device: devices) { 

    GraphicsConfiguration[] configurations =
    for (GraphicsConfiguration config: configurations) {
        Rectangle gcBounds = config.getBounds();

        if(gcBounds.contains(point)) {
            displayBounds = gcBounds;

if(displayBounds == null) {
    //not found, get the bounds for the default display
    GraphicsDevice device = e.getDefaultScreenDevice();

    displayBounds =device.getDefaultConfiguration().getBounds
//do something with the bounds
Rich Seller
This is half the solution, and it helped me work out the whole solution. Thanks!
Steve McLeod
It was, and I voted you up!
Steve McLeod

Maybe e.getLocationOnScreen(); will work? It's only for java 1.6.

+1  A: 

Since Java 1.6 you can use getLocationOnScreen, in previous versions you must get the location of the component that generated the event:

Point loc;
// in Java 1.6
loc = e.getLocationOnScreen();
// in Java 1.5 or previous
loc = e.getComponent().getLocationOnScreen();

You will have to use the GraphicsEnvironment class to get the bound of the screen.

+1  A: 

Rich's answer helped me find a whole solution:

public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
    final Point p = e.getPoint();
    SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen(p, e.getComponent());
    Rectangle bounds = getBoundsForPoint(p);
    // now bounds contains the bounds for the monitor in which mouse pressed occurred
    // ... do more stuff here

private static Rectangle getBoundsForPoint(Point point) {
    for (GraphicsDevice device : GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getScreenDevices()) {
        for (GraphicsConfiguration config : device.getConfigurations()) {
            final Rectangle gcBounds = config.getBounds();
            if (gcBounds.contains(point)) {
                return gcBounds;
    // if point is outside all monitors, default to default monitor
    return GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getMaximumWindowBounds();
Steve McLeod
If you want to get the default monitor, see my updated answer, on multi-screen systems where Windows should be centered across all displays, getMaximumWindowBounds() returns the bounds of the *entire* display area.
Rich Seller