I would like to get the name of the form used to post parameters from a Java HTTPServletRequest object. Is this possible. I don't see any method that looks like it will return it to me.
HTML form name is NOT submitted as part of the request. If you need it (why?) you can submit it as hidden input instead:
<form name="myForm" action="/my_servlet">
<input type="hidden" name="htmlFormName" value="myForm"/>
In your servlet:
String htmlFormName = request.getParameterValue("htmlFormName");
2009-08-09 20:34:24
I agree that it should not be needed. Recently I have encountered a situation where several pages submit to the same controller. The construction is ugly, meaning you have to know 'where you came from' in order to interpret the get/post vars. In this particular case I had to know the form name, but since it is not posted (as you said) I had to go for your suggestion (worked fine of course).Is there any lecture about posting, and why the form name is not submitted? (I mean, why not? ;))
Stefan Hendriks
2010-03-17 07:07:23
@Stefan I'd guess the form name is not submitted because form itself is not an input and thus isn't associated with any value - so what's the point of submitting it? But I don't know for sure. What I do know is that "name" was originally added so forms can be addressed from javascript and that has now been superseded by "id" attribute; in fact form "name" attribute is not allowed by HTML 4.01 Strict.
2010-03-17 16:11:49