Hi there,
I'm setting a Session of MM_CustomerID in my code and then further down the page I need to insert the value of that session into a table. But each time I try to do this it comes up with an Invalid column name 'varCustomerID'.
At the top of the page I have this code;
set rscustomerid = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rscustomerid.ActiveConnection = CmdAddCustomer.ActiveConnection
rscustomerid.Source = "SELECT @@IDENTITY as MaxCustomersID FROM Customers"
rscustomerid.CursorLocation = 2
rscustomerid.LockType = 3
Session("MM_UserAuthorization") = "5"
Then further down, i'm trying to set a variable of varCustomerID to be equal to the MM_CustomerID session;
varCustomerID = Session("MM_CustomerID")
And then try inserting the value of that variable varCustomerID into the Orders table as follows;
'Insert record into Orders recordset when form is submitted
'and store the unique OrderID
'Version Date: 09 August 2009
set CmdAddOrder = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
CmdAddOrder.ActiveConnection = MM_dbconn_STRING
CmdAddOrder.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Orders (OrderCustomer,OrderGrandTotal,OrderStatus) VALUES (varCustomerID,0.00,3)"
CmdAddOrder.CommandType = 1
CmdAddOrder.CommandTimeout = 0
CmdAddOrder.Prepared = true
I wondered if anyone might be able to help? Perhaps there's an easier way of just inserting the session value into the table, instead of creating a variable for it?