



Hi i am using Connection Kit Framework in my cocoa application.. I need to set multiple connections to a ftp server. and also i am facing problem in multiple file uploads.. How can i do that using connection Kit.. Can anyone Guide me on this..

I want to connect to ftp from three different classes.And also i need to upload from three classes simultaneously . It connects simultaneously but while uploading, control waits until the uploading process is completed in the other class. I am feeling that id con; is reffered to same from all the three classes;

Can anyone explain me the

[con recursivelyUpload:localFolderPath to:remoteDirectory ignoreHiddenFiles:YES];

function in the connectionkit framework. It works fine if the local directory contains around 20 number of files .. If the file count to be uploaded is more ... this function does not executes instead start throwing the message [Fattal threading:error]... Please anyone can suggest were i am going wrong. How can i upload more number of files to ftp in a bunch.. any suggestions ??????