




A couple of questions, first with this var string below, the 1 one works but I need to get the second one working, there is a snytax error because I am not sure how to write it

var string = 'id='+ id ;
var string = 'id='+ id 'USER=1';

Second; This ajax call below, it post to delete.php to delete a comment, it works but I would like to add in some error handling. Once I add it into the backend, how can I make it show an error in jquery ?

   type: "POST",
   url: "delete.php",
   data: string,
   cache: false,
   success: function(){
    commentContainer.slideUp('slow', function() {$(this).remove();});
+9  A: 

You're missing a concatenation operator and an ampersand, also I wouldn't use 'string' as a variable name:

var str = 'id='+ id + '&USER=1';

That said, 'string' is not a JS reserved word, but still seems like bad practice (to me at least).

What you are passing in your 'string' variable to $.ajax is a query string, I would suggest reading this for more information:


On your question about error handling, one way is to check the response text for something and act accordingly, e.g.:

   type: "POST",
   url: "delete.php",
   data: string,
   cache: false,
   success: function(resp){
    if(resp == 'error') { //get PHP to echo the string 'error' if something bad happened
        alert('There was an error!');
    } else {
        commentContainer.slideUp('slow', function() {
that looks like it would work perfect, I get 1 error right now though missing } after the property list, and here is what is on the line with the error = });
@jasondavis - the success block was not closed properly - I've edited, please try again.
got it now thank you!

For the second question, do you mean an HTTP error or an error in the server side code?

If you mean an HTTP error, just like "success" there is a "error" that can be called

See the docs here

Chris Thompson
I mean my own errors, like if a user post to many comments in x amount of time, I would like to send an error code back to jquery to the browser to show a message instead of it returning as success