




Hello Everyone

I am not sure what is the correct way of testing my Database, without an prepared In-Memory-Database. I have following TestSuite for JUnit4.

Ignore the JpaManager, I just need this, because the application runs as a Eclipse RCP and not in a container, nor Spring is used (yet), so I cannot inject an EntityManager-reference and have to handle it manually.

public class CustomerJpaTest {

    private Customer testCustomer;

    public void setUp() throws Exception {
     // create a new user for testing
     CustomerJpaDao dao = new CustomerJpaDao();
     testCustomer = new Customer();

    public void tearDown() throws Exception {
     // remove previously created user
     CustomerJpaDao dao = new CustomerJpaDao();

    public void testCustomerSaving() throws Exception {
     // not sure yet

    public void testCustomerLoading() throws Exception {
     ICustomerDao dao = new CustomerJpaDao();
     Customer customer = dao.findByName("Someone");
     assertEquals("Someone", customer.getName());

Since I am running on a real database, I am creating my object that I am going to test in the setUp method and remove it after the test(s) are done. And exactly here is my problem: this setUp and tearDown could be actually also some kind of tests (testCustomerSaving, testCustomerDelete), but when I have the tests running in a particular order then they wont be isolated (when saving fails, loading fails as well, and then deleting).

What is the right way to do this?

+1  A: 

Begin a transaction in setUp and rollback the transaction in tearDown.

this is whats actually happening in begin and dispose. But since I am doing a commit after I store it to really be able to load it from the db in the test the rollback isnt deleting the object. Probably this is a wrong way. Would it be sufficient for the test if the oject is loaded just from the JPA-cache, assuming that there is no difference?
Then, you cannot cut corners. In the test method, make the calls in the order that they will occur in the actual use-case/user story.