As this is a quite old question and still filed under unanswered, I'd like to broaden the scope with this answer:
I assume there is a reason for you to want to cut out republishing of your application that I don't know (other than the aversion against unnecessary work being done)
The only thing I can guess is that it takes a significant amount of time. For me the publishing time has never been an issue, but if they are for you, you might think about
- increasing your memory (if swapping virtual memory slows republishing) - e.g. buying new RAM
- optimize dependencies in your project, e.g. prepackage dependent projects if there's a huge number of them or create subprojects and depend upon them if there's only one huge project. (This assumes, that any of these factors slows republishing. I have not measured it)
- does using Tomcat6 or glassfish help?
It might be, that not publishing is your issue but startup time. You might gain a lot by controlling that very tightly, e.g. starting services on demand after the webapplication has started. I know several applications that do some heavy work during startup (before they accept their first connection and before they pass control on to the next application startup that might do the same). I hate them. Usually such services get lots of swear words and finally their own web/application server. Having to restart one of these applications should at least not make all the other applications (and their users) suffer that are written with nice startup times in mind.
If your question is still an issue and you are still looking for a solution, please comment. What is your republishing time?