



I need to make a query on multiple databases. I got the part for building the query for every database but now i need to put the result in something for each query then i can return it.

@requete is a query

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[RequeteMultiBd]
    @requete varchar(max)

    --get server + database name
    select dbo.trim(Serveur)+'.'+ dbo.trim(db) as name, row_number() over (order by db) seq into #tmp from dbo.DataBase;

    declare @name sysname
    declare @sql nvarchar(max)
    declare @seq int
    set @seq = 0

    --getting the next name and seq
    select top 1 @name = name, @seq = seq
      from #tmp where seq > @seq order by seq

    set @sql = replace(@requete, '<bd>', @name);
    --Trying to init the table (that part doesnt work)
    insert into #result exec( @sql );

    --Filling up the table
    WHILE (1=1)
     select top 1 @name = name, @seq = seq
      from #tmp where seq > @seq order by seq
     if(@@rowcount = 0) break;

     set @sql = replace(@requete, '<bd>', @name);
     insert into #result exec( @sql );

    select * from #result


From that code i get this error because #result doesn't exit. I need to create it with dynamic column names but how ?

Invalid object name '#result'

+1  A: 

Try using SELECT .... INTO #Result FROM ...

This will create the table with the correct columns.

What are the "..." ?i tryed : select * into #result from exec( @sql );but i get :Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'exec'.
Richard Rail
Requete looks like dynamic SQL. You could put the INTO inside the exec(). Like this exec('SELECT * INTO 'Result FROM (' + @requete + ') R
Actually after playing the #Result declared inside the exec is not visible to the calling sproc... sorry.

you may be able to share a temp table between procedure calls, I never did it between databases though...

check out this:

How to Share Data Between Stored Procedures by Erland Sommarskog

I cant because this procedure can be called by multiple user at the same time. The data would be wrong in that temp table.
Richard Rail
the temp table is local to the calling scope, each run gets its own table, just like each run gets their own variables.
if you create a temp table in a procedure, every procedure that is then called from that procedure can select/insert/update/delete within that original temp table, thus sharing the table.

You do not need to use dynamic sql to run your stored procedure, you can call it like:

EXEC @requete '<bd>', @name

where @requete is a valid name like server.owner.procedure_name

I forgot to translate one variable (i write in french) @reqete = query. I replace all <bd> in my query with the database of the current loop.
Richard Rail