Repost from Perlmonks for a coworker:
I wrote a perl script to separate long lists of email separated by a semi colon. What I would like to do with the code is combine the split with the trimming of white space so I don't need two arrays. Is there away to trim while loading the first array. Output is a sorted list of names. Thanks.
use warnings;
use strict;
my $file_data =
'Builder, Bob ;Stein, Franklin MSW; Boop, Elizabeth PHD Cc: Bear,
+ Izzy';
my @email_list;
$file_data =~ s/CC:/;/ig;
$file_data =~ s/PHD//ig;
$file_data =~ s/MSW//ig;
my @tmp_data = split( /;/, $file_data );
foreach my $entry (@tmp_data) {
$entry =~ s/^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$//g;
push( @email_list, $entry );
foreach my $name ( sort(@email_list) ) {
print "$name \n";