Hi Friends, I have Created a Chart in Access forms and Exported it in Image Format.. Its Easily Done, but the Problem comes when after it.. I closes the Form.. It Shows a Pop-up Msg
"The operation on the Chart object failed. The OLE server may not be registered. To register the OLE server, reinstall it. "
Then I have done some change and the Code looks Like:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim grpApp As Graph.Chart
Set grpApp = Me.Graph1.Object
grpApp.Export "C:\Graph1.jpg", "JPEG"
Me.Graph1.Enabled = True
Me.Graph1.Locked = False
Set grpApp = Nothing
Me.Graph1.Action = acOLEClose
End Sub
Now The Problem is that After the Export is Done, The Chart Becomes Bad,The fonts were big and condensed and the bars looked short...
I m really Stucked..
n am Seeking for help with great expectations..
Thanks in Advance for All yor Help.