Now don't get me wrong, I'm not exactly a Python fan, but when you see a Tk directory inside of the python directory you kinda expect... Well Python. And yeah, I get that Tk came from TCL, but if I had to write a TCL to use Tk, I'd forget TK existed and use a completely different tool box. (The popularity of this combination completely eludes me.)
Expecting to see a relatively readable language like Python, and finding TCL is like walking in on your grandma naked. It's just visually painful.
I haven't drank the cool-aid when it comes to Python, but I use for simple task that I don't want to bother with C or C++ on and maybe if I want some for quick and dirty text processing. It just seems like a cruel joke to put TCL examples in the Python distribution.
Is there an equivalent package that includes those examples written in Python?
Edit: I guess this also kinda begs the question is Tk the best option for GUI dev in Python?