I have asp.net membership and I use the built in Create user method since it is convenient now after this depending on the user I want to add 2 more fields to the aspnet_UserTable.
In my aspnet_user Table I have like this
// All Standard Fields that come with this table
ClubName <nullable)
I have a table that relates this
Club Table
So this relationship forms that one club can have many users. But one user can only have 1 club.
So now I been trying to figure out how to add the ClubID to the aspnet Usertable since it does not show up in the Entity Framework Diagram since it does not show FK.
// Note in this case I am just using EF made to create but in reality I will use the Membership.Create.
aspnet_Users test = aspnet_Users.Createaspnet_Users(Guid.NewGuid(), Guid.NewGuid(), "myTest5", "mytest5", false, DateTime.Now);
test.Club = Club.CreateClub("One224", "Two224");
test.ClubName = "go";
So what I have works but it just makes no sense and I hope there is a better way. Like I try to create the club and then stick it in the test.club.
This add's the ClubID primary key but does not add the clubName.
So then I have to add the club name separately. Like why? Is there not a better way?
I also prefer linq method syntax so if it is needed and you know this syntax can you please write it in that.