



When I do a 'Publish' on my ASP.NET MVC website, I'm finding unnecessary empty folders in the publish folder.

This is annoying because I have to manually delete them so they don't get uploaded through FTP.

This happens even when I select the following radio-buttons:

  • Delete all existing files prior to publish
  • Copy
    • Only files needed to run this application

It doesn't copy every folder, only one or two random folders. I have no idea why it chooses to copy just these folders, but not the others. They're not system-folders or anything - I made them myself.

Why is this happening?


It's just the way the publish wizard works. If you want more control over how a web project is deployed you can make a web deployment project if you have developer edition of Visual Studio. (Perhaps professional as well I'm not sure.)

Looks like you might be able to download it too?

Spencer Ruport
"It's just the way the publish wizard works." - but it does delete most of the unused folders. It only leaves one or two folders in there, which aren't significant folders. (I created them myself). I highly doubt it's just selecting *random* folders. So my question is, what is the means by which is chooses folders to leave?

The Publish Wizard seems to include empty root-level custom folders if they contain subfolders that also contain code. Example:

--Folder1 -+
           +- ParentClass.cs 
           +- Subfolder2 -+
                          +- ChildClass1.cs
                          +- ChildClass2.cs

Will result in an empty "Folder1" showing up in the location you publish to. I think this is an artifact of the "Namespace Provider" property on folders and the <Compile Include="Folder1\Subfolder2\ChildClass1.cs" /> elements of the csproj file.

Kelly Adams