I have this below html. And I would like the iFrame to cover the rest of the screen with 100% on whatever left. I tried "100%" and "*" in height attribute but not working. Why is that? Thanks
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<div id="container-frame">
<img id="if-logo" height="35" width="84" alt="Kucku" src="/Content/Images/logo.gif"/>
<img id="if-avatar" height="30" width="30" alt="Avatar" src="http://web.kucku.vn/Content/Images/Avatars/default_profile_bigger.png"/>
<a id="if-username" href="/nvthoai">nvthoai</a>
<div id="if-box">
<a id="if-close" href="http://www.yahoo.com" target="_top"> </a>
<div id="if-link">
<div id="if-star">
<iframe id="mainFrame" frameborder="no" width="100%" title="mainFrame" framespacing="0" border="0" name="mainFrame" src="http://www.yahoo.com" style="display: block; width: 100%; float: left; height: 100%;">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
#container-frame {
background:#E1E1E1 url(../images/if_bg.gif) repeat-x scroll 0 0;