



Is it possible to use jQuery.not() chained with jQuery.html()?


Where winner is a jQuery object/wrapped set, I am trying to return HTML with anchors removed.


It is possible but that won't give you the result you expect. not('a') will filter a tags from your winner collection but html() will return you the value of the first item in the collection.

so if your winner has [div#i1 div#i2 a div#i3 a], not('a') will reduce this set to [div#i1 div#i2 div#i3] and html() will return HTML contents of div#i1.

If you want to remove anchors from HTML I think you should first get is using .html() method and then do a replace on the value returned with some regular expression that will strip the anchors.


Alternatively, you could use something like this:

var noanchors = '';
winner.not('a').each(function() { noanchors = noanchors + $(this).html(); )

to get the concatenation of the non-a elements' html. However, this may miss any top-level text in between the various tag-enclosed items.

+3  A: 

.html() is going to return the innerHTML - which will include any A tags inside, you may be able to do something like this though:

// clone the matched div:
var copy = winner.clone();
// remove all A tags from the DOM
// get the html.
var noanchors = copy.html();

Also - If you wanted to get the text within the A still - but not the A itself - you could use:

// for each A tag
copy.find("a").each(function() {
  //insert the text within ourselves to the document directly before us.
  // then delete ourselves

Although that might actually get a little messy if the <a> has any other tags within it - it should illustrate the idea.

Thanks, clone() is perfect in this situation. Why didn't I think of that? And per your second code block, it's useful towards the next bit of logic I need to write.