
Attaching chained methods to collections of elements in JavaScript

This is—at least at the moment—purely experimentation, but I'm curious: is there a way to attach methods (via prototyping) to collections of elements? I've tested the following code: <div>a</div> <div>b</div> <div>c</div> <script> NodeList.prototype._ = function(s) { for (x = 0; x < this.length; x++) { eval('this[x]' + '....

When chaining .NET delegates, how are the original instances (re)used?

Say I have the following C# code: Action a = TestMethod; Action b = TestMethod; Action c = b; b += a; Tests indicates that b is not the same instance as c, so clearly the + operator seems to create a new instance of the delegate. Is this a correct assumption? Does it reuse the b-instance internally, or does it just copy the method/tar...

Constructor chaining with multiple calls

Given my code below, is there a way that the first WebTestingApp constructor can call the second before returning the new instance? I want to set some readonly fields in the constructor and, short of copy/pasting, I can't see how I can. I feel that the answer will have something to do with constructor chaining, but I can't figure out ho...

java exception chaining question

Hi all, Imagine I have the methods: public static void funcA() {...} public static void funcB() { byteBuffer.wrap(someByteArray, 0, someByteArra.length); } IN JAVA API: public static ByteBuffer wrap(byte[]array, int offset, int length) { try { return new HeapByteBuffer(array, offset, length); } catch (IllegalAr...

jQuery: Chaning Events- code correction

Hai Techies, Can any one tell me how can i replace the slideup function with fadeout('slow') for the below code div.slideUp(function() { div.load("GetResults.aspx?mode=bymanu&mid="+manuId, { symbol: $("#txtSymbol" ).val() }, function() { $(t...

working with fstream files in overflow chaining in c++

Hello, I have a file that I want to read and write to a binary file using records. In the beginning I have an empty file and I want to add new record, but when I use the seekp function, then the location is at (-1) is it ok? Because when I check, I see that it hasnt written anything to the file. See code: void Library::addBook(Book ne...

How do I chain or queue custom functions using JQuery?

I have multiple functions the do different animations to different parts of the HTML. I would like to chain or queue these functions so they will run the animations sequentially and not at the same time. I am trying to automate multiple events in sequence to look like a user has been clicking on different buttons or links. I could pro...

How does basic object/function chaining work in javascript?

I'm trying to get the principles of doing jQuery-style function chaining straight in my head. By this I mean: var e = f1('test').f2().f3(); I have gotten one example to work, while another doesn't. I'll post those below. I always want to learn the first principle fundamentals of how something works so that I can build on top of it. Up...

Haskell: monadic takeWhile?

I have some functions written in C that I call from Haskell. These functions return IO (CInt). Sometimes I want to run all of the functions regardless of what any of them return, and this is easy. For sake of example code, this is the general idea of what's happening currently: Prelude> let f x = print x >> return x Prelude> mapM_ f ...

Chaining jQuery selectors :lt and :gt

Imagine I have a table with more than 9 rows. If I do this : $('table tr:gt(3):lt(6)'), shall I receive 3 or 6 elements at the end, and why ? Are all selectors applied to the same primary selection, or are they successively applied on different selections ? ...

Route Chaining with the Zend Framework

I'm trying to implement route chaining for an admin panel on a Zend Framework site that I am working on. I'm using the following configuration file in hopes that the "admin" route routes with "/admin" and that the "adminLogin" route routes with "/admin/login". <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <routes> <admin> <route>admi...

Using jQuery.not() chained with jQuery.html()

Is it possible to use jQuery.not() chained with jQuery.html()? winner.not('a').html() Where winner is a jQuery object/wrapped set, I am trying to return HTML with anchors removed. ...

Is there a preferred way of formatting jQuery chains to make them more readable?

Given this following sample code which clones a table row, sets some properties and then appends it to a table: $("#FundTable").append( objButton.parents("tr").clone() .find(".RowTitle").text("Row " + nAddCount).end() .find(".FundManagerSelect").attr("id", "FundManager" + nAddCount) .c...

Can it be disadvantageous to store jQuery objects in a variable?

I've just recently asked the folloiwng question with regard to jQuery chaning: A number of people replied with the suggestion that maybe I reduced the amount of chaining within the statement, and instead stored obj...

Howto chain objects in PHP5: $this->foo->bar->baz()

How do I make chained objects in PHP5 classes? Examples: $myclass->foo->bar->baz(); $this->foo->bar->baz(); Not: $myclass->foo()->bar()->baz(); See also: Thanks. /Kristoffer :-) ...

In QT, chaining models does not work as expected

Alright, I have a really basic QStandardItemModel, filled with some numbers. I managed to display it in a QTableView, it's ok. I created a new model ( subclass either of QAbstractItemModel or QAbstractProxyModel ), which is some kind of a layer of an existing model - it is needed to set the sourcemodel, and this new layer should do some ...

Chaining databound LINQ queries in LINQ to DataSet

I am trying to perform a query on a query result, but I am getting an error: “The method or operation is not implemented”. Can I chain queries in this way? For example, I have a Northwind typed DataSet. I do: queryResult = From product In NorthWindDataSet.Products Where (product.UnitsOnOrder > CInt(txtUnitsOnOrde...

In C#, what is the best/accepted way of doing constructor chaining?

Given the following class: public class MyClass { private string _param; public MyClass () { _param = string.Empty; } public MyClass (string param) { _param = param; } } I am torn apart between two ways to chain those constructors: The first one: public MyClass () : this (string.Empty) {...

Django ORM: Chaining aggregated querysets into one

Can I chain these two querysets into one? qs1 = OrderTicket.objects.filter(, 1, 1),, 1, 30)).values('order_type').annotate(value_1 = Sum('gbp_value')).order_by('order_type'), qs2 = OrderTicket.objects.filter(, 2, 1),, 2, 30)).va...

jQuery chaining and toggle not running

If I run this code, var waitRow = $(this).parent().parent().next().get(0); $(waitRow).children('td:nth-child(2)').html('some text').toggle(); toggle is not called. If I instead write the following code it works. Why? var waitRow = $(this).parent().parent().next().get(0); $(waitRow).children('td:nth-child(2)').html('some text'); $(wa...