
How to attach an event to onSubmit event of form with chaining earlier attached methods as well?

Actaully my application is having hundreds of pages. Now i have to attach an event 'disablePage' on onSubmit of form. I don't want to go to each and every page and write: <form name="frmname" onSubmit="disablePage();"> What i am doing right now is:- excerpt from common.js file; [ included in all pages ] /* we have to attach 'attachF...

less verbose way to chain jquery events that have to wait for animations?

Chaining is great in jQuery, but it chains the trigger of each event and doesn't wait for the previous event to finish. This is noticeable primarily when animating. As such, the workaround I've seen is to use call back functions. The only drawback is if, say, you have 4 things that you want to animate in succession. Admittedly, this is...

What should I consider when choosing between chainability and language constructs?

I have tough time making this design decision. I could go with traditional new language construct to initialize objects, and use them through variables, such as: $o = new Object('arg'); $o->method(); $o->property = 'value'; $o->save(); Or I can choose factory pattern and aggressive chainability like as Object::new('arg')->method()->...

Subdomain Routing Rules (using chaining) Broke after upgrading to Zend Framework 1.9.5, but only for the subdomain itself, not for pages in the subdomain

I asked a similar question months ago (see How do I write Routing Chains for a Subdomain in Zend Framework in a routing INI file?), on how to write chaining rules in an app.ini format. The answer to this question worked wonderfully! Now, however, I have upgraded to the latest version of the Zend Framework 1.9.5 (I needed to upgrade for a...

Using string.Substring() as part of a chain

Hi guys I'm trying to maniplulate a string without making a big issue out of it and spreading it out onto multiple lines, so I'm using some chaining to achieve this. The question I have is, how do I use string.Substring() to drop the last character off my string in this context? In PHP I can pass a negative number as an argument (i.e. ...

C# Function Chaining

Why do i receive error in the following declaration ? List<int> intrs = new List<int>().AddRange(new int[]{1,2,3,45}); Error :Can not convert type void to List ? ...

conditional chaining in ruby

Is there a good way to chain methods conditionally in Ruby? What I want to do functionally is if a && b && c my_object.some_method_because_of_a.some_method_because_of_b.some_method_because_of_c elsif a && b && !c my_object.some_method_because_of_a.some_method_because_of_b elsif a && !b && c my_object.some_method_because_of_a.some_me...

javascript - detect end of chained functions?

Today I'm working on a pet project using chained function calls, and I'm curious how I might detect when the last function in the chain is executed. For example: func1('initial data').func2().func3().func4(); And after func2-4 have finished working on 'initial data' I'd like to detect when func4 is done. Since func4() isn't always the...

QA: Structure, Performance of this QueryBuilderClass

Hi there, I build this little helper class to try class chaining in PHP to build SQL (atm very simple SELECTs) queries very easily. Any ideas or complaints about it, or tips for the future? class SQLQueryBuilder{ public $query; public $parameters = array(); const SELECT = 'SELECT '; const FROM = ' FROM '; const WH...

How to chain an array in mootools?

Say you have an array in mootools: // get the elements and set them as slide var slideElements = $$('.mySlideElements'); slideElements.set('slide'); // and fire the event -> would slide all elements out at the same time slideElements.slide('out'); How could I put this into a chain to slide them one at a time? So far I've only succee...

How to implement method chaining?

In C# how does one implement the ability to chain methods in one's custom classes so one can write something like this: myclass.DoSomething().DosomethingElse(x); etc... Thanks! ...

JQuery : selector chain with attribute filter : result does not persist?

I am pulling my hair out!! grrr... This seems to work: //get all the foo and bar links that point to a named anchor: $(",").filter("[href^=#]").click ( function() { doSomething( $(this).attr("href").substr(1) ); return false; } ); When I log the output of '$(this).attr("href").substr(1)' to the c...

Lisp chaining functions macro

Is there a ready made lisp macro that allows chaining (piping) of functions? I couldn't find one. I'll try to explain what I mean with this example. Instead of using let* with lots of unused intermediate variables like this: (let* ((var1 (f1 x y)) (var2 (f2 x var1)) (var3 (f1 var2 z))) var3) I would like to have it written l...

unable to chain animation in jquery

I have a list which is hidden using css code {display:none;} now i am using the jquery code to animate the list (li's) var numb = $("ol#update li").length; for(j=0; j < numb; j++) { $("ol#update li").eq(j).animate({ height: 'show', opacity: 'show' }, {duration:1000}); } I need to animate the items one aft...

How to identify group elements enclosed by other element or tag?

Hi Friends! I have question please refer the following code to understand the question. (I removed '<' and '>' character from the following html code because otherwise the html tags will not be visible so i have written only tag names) <div> <div> <img /> <img /> <img /> <img /> </div> </div> I wan...

jQuery chaining and ugly formating

I have a table with two cells to each row. The first contains the data and the second contains the input buttons "Edit" and "Delete". To make this unobtrusive ajax I'm using the code below: <tr> <td>I have some data for you</td> <td> <a href="edit" class="edit"><input type="button" value="Edit" /></a> <a href="de...

C++ input chaining in C#

I am trying to learn C# coming from C++. I am writing just some basic console stuff to get a feel for it and was wondering if it is possible to do simple chaining of inputs in C#. For example in C++: cout<<"Enter two numbers: "; cin >> int1 >> int2; You could then just input 3 5 and hit enter and the values will be fine. In C# however...

How to implement exception chaining in PHP

Constructor for PHP's exception has third parameter, documentation says: $previous: The previous exception used for the exception chaining. But I can't make it work. My code looks like this: try { throw new Exception('Exception 1', 1001); } catch (Exception $ex) { throw new Exception('Exception 2', 1002, $ex); } I expect E...

should jQuery data be chainable?

I'm trying to add multiple jQuery data entries to a single element. I suspected that the following would work jQuery('td.person#a'+personId).data('email','phone',; However, I am getting nothing but errors when I do this. jQuery('td.person#a'+personId).data('email',; jQuer...

In javascript, execute a function when the first function is ready

Is there any way, in javascript, to call on a other function when the first function is "ready" something like this: ridiculousTimeConsumingFunction().onReady( newFunction() ); To illustrate my example you can take a look her: ...