
Lisp Executable

I've just started learning Lisp and I can't figure out how to compile and link lisp code to an executable. Im using clisp and "clisp -c" produces two files .fas and .lib, what do I do next to get an exeutable? ...

Are there any High Level, easy to install GUI libraries for Common Lisp?

Are there any good, cross platform (SBCL and CLISP at the very least) easy to install GUI libraries? ...

Common Lisp or Scheme?

Which would you recommend learning, CL or Scheme? What are the pros and cons of each, compared to eachother? ...

What are the main differences between CLTL2 and ANSI CL?

Any online links / resources? ...

How do I use (require :PACKAGE) in clisp under Ubuntu Hardy?

I am trying to evaluate the answer provided here, and am getting the error: "A file with name ASDF-INSTALL does not exist" when using clisp: dsm@localhost:~$ clisp -q [1]> (require :asdf-install) *** - LOAD: A file with name ASDF-INSTALL does not exist The following restarts are available: ABORT :R1 ABORT Break 1 [2]> :r1...

What's a good Common Lisp implementation for Windows?

What's your favourite? See also this related question. ...

Are there any Common Lisp implementations for .Net?

Related to my other CL question. ...

What is the closest thing to Slime for Scheme?

I do most of my development in Common Lisp, but there are some moments when I want to switch to Scheme (while reading Lisp in Small Pieces, when I want to play with continuations, or when I want to do some scripting in Gauche, for example). In such situations, my main source of discomfort is that I don't have Slime (yes, you may call me ...

What is the best SQL libary for use in Common Lisp?

Ideally something that will work with Oracle, MS SQL Server, MySQL and Posgress. ...

What is your favorite misconception about Lisp?

Please respond with one by one. If you explain why it is not true then try to avoid general statements and provide particular examples. ...

How to create reverse index for full text search in Common Lisp ?

What is the best way to create reverse index for full text search in Common Lisp ? Is there any proven and (relatively) bug-free open library for SBCL or LispWorks ? I managed to create my own library on top of AllegroCache - it was fairly easy to create, reliable and fast, but lacks advanced search options (phrases, wildcarded words in...

How to compile Clisp 2.46?

When I try to compile the newest version of Clisp on Ubuntu 8.04 I always get this error after running configure: Configure findings: FFI: no (user requested: default) readline: yes (user requested: yes) libsigsegv: no, consider installing GNU libsigsegv ./configure: libsigsegv was not detected, thus some features, such as gene...

List Comprehension Library for Scheme?

I know there is a list-comprehension library for common lisp (incf-cl), I know they're supported natively in various other functional (and some non-functional) languages (F#, Erlang, Haskell and C#) - is there a list comprehension library for Scheme? incf-cl is implemented in CL as a library using macros - shouldn't it be possible to us...

Replace an item in a list in Common Lisp?

I have a list of things (I'll call it L), an index(N) and a new thing(T). If I want to replace the thing in L at N with T, what is the best way to do this? Should I get the sublist up to N and from N to the end of the list and then glue together a new list from the first part, T, and the last part using list? Or is there a better way to ...

Executing code stored as a list

After understanding (quote), I'm curious as to how one might cause the statement to execute. My first thought was (defvar x '(+ 2 21)) `(,@x) but that just evaluates to (+ 2 21), or the contents of x. How would one run code that was placed in a list? ...

Are there documented, organized collections of libraries for Common Lisp?

I am a college student at a school that teaches mainly in Java. One of the strong points of Java, which I quite enjoy, is the large collection of libraries. What makes these libraries especially useful is the extensive documentation and organization presented via JavaDoc. Are there any library collections for Common Lisp which also have ...

Common Lisp Programmatic Keyword

Is there a function in Common Lisp that takes a string as an argument and returns a keyword? Example: (keyword "foo") -> :foo ...

centering text in common lisp

I have a string that I would like to print . Is it possible to center it when printing ? ...

Creating a lambda from an s-expression

I have an s-expression bound to a variable in Common Lisp: (defvar x '(+ a 2)) Now I want to create a function that when called, evaluates the expression in the scope in which it was defined. I've tried this: (let ((a 4)) (lambda () (eval x))) and (let ((a 4)) (eval `(lambda () ,x))) But both of these create a problem: EVAL...

Best Common Lisp IDE

I've used Slime within Emacs as my primary development environment for Common Lisp (or Aquamacs on OS X), but are there other compelling choices out there? I've heard about Lispworks, but is that [or something else] worth looking at? Or does anyone have tips to getting the most out of Emacs (e.g., hooking it up to the hyperspec for easy ...