
Javascript framework that primarily provides just document/onready functionality

A couple of months ago I was doing Javascript programming on the Facebook platform, on which the major frameworks such as Dojo, ExtJS, jQuery, Prototype, etc. don't necessarily work. Which led me to discovering a couple of frameworks that merely provide the CSS selection functionality, for possible porting, namely Sizzle (used inside jQ...

Is checking for the readiness of the DOM overkill?

I'm developing a platform for developing desktop apps with web technologies. In the course of doing so I've been trying to get some document/on-ready functionality working with the browser I will be integrating into the platform. That's why I'd previously asked this this question here on SO: javascript-framework-that-primarily-provides...

In javascript, execute a function when the first function is ready

Is there any way, in javascript, to call on a other function when the first function is "ready" something like this: ridiculousTimeConsumingFunction().onReady( newFunction() ); To illustrate my example you can take a look her: http://web.cinaird.se/pdf/test.htm ...

Jquery issue in ready handler

I have a very strange issue with a simple set of jquery stmts. I have the following in my jsp $(document).ready(function() { alert("in doc ready"); $("input[name='receivingOption']").each(function() { alert($(this).val()); if($(this).val() == $("#deliveryMethod").val()) { alert($("#" + $(this).attr("id") + "label").att...