



Using the following simple code:

package test;

import javax.xml.transform.*;

public class TestOutputKeys {
 public static void main(String[] args) throws TransformerException {

  // Instantiate transformer input
  Source xmlInput = new StreamSource(new StringReader(
    "<!-- Document comment --><aaa><bbb/><ccc/></aaa>"));
  StreamResult xmlOutput = new StreamResult(new StringWriter());

  // Configure transformer
  Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance()
    .newTransformer(); // An identity transformer
  transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM, "testing.dtd");
  transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
  transformer.transform(xmlInput, xmlOutput);



I get the output:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Document comment --><!DOCTYPE aaa SYSTEM "testing.dtd">


Question A: The doctype tag appears after the document comment. Is it possible to make it appear before the document comment?

Question B: How do I achieve indentation, using only the JavaSE 5.0 API? This question is essentially identical to How to pretty-print xml from java, however almost all answers in that question depend on external libraries. The only applicable answer (posted by a user named Lorenzo Boccaccia) which only uses java's api, is basically equal to the code posted above, but does not work for me (as shown in the output, i get no indentation).

I am guessing that you have to set the amount of spaces to use for indentation, as many of the answers with external libraries do, but I just cannot find where to specify that in the java api. Given the fact that the possibility to set an indentation property to "yes" exists in the java api, it must be possible to perform indentation somehow. I just can't figure out how.

+5  A: 

The missing part is the amount to indent. You can set the indentation and indent amount as follow:

transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
transformer.setOutputProperty("{}indent-amount", "2");
transformer.transform(xmlInput, xmlOutput);
Rich Seller
hmm just tested this with your sample and got an error
Rich Seller
it works for me
good to know, I think it failed because I had an old version of xalan, double checking
Rich Seller
This solution indents the resulting XML document, compiling without errors or warnings.
Dave Jarvis
Isn't this solution also kind of library dependent. jre5.0/jdk5.0 ships with Apache Xalan, am I correct? What if a user has changed the implementation of TransformerFactory to be used to some other implementation which also conforms to the javax.xml.transform api? This will fail then, won't it? That property seems to be Apache implementation dependent, imo.
@Rich Seller. The error you got, did it say that the apache property could not be recognized? If so, what version of java are you using and what does TransformerFactory.newInstance().getClass().getName() return?
As you say, it depends upon Xalan, but this is part of the jdk.As far as I know, there isn't an API level setting to set indentation, so if a user is using a different implementation, you'll need to add in switch processing to set the indentation for that implementation. But aren't you in control of the implementation used?
Rich Seller
My view upon what an api is seems to tell me that the api should consist of functions/methods to perform a specified task, and while using an api, there should be no need to directly adress underlying implementation. But then again, I am only a novice programmer and maybe things only work the way I think they should in a Utopian world. Still I think that the fact that OutputKeys.INDENT exists at the api level SHOULD mean that api level indentation is possible unless the api is flawed (or Apache's implementation is flawed, not interpreting the property as it should)
Well... I guess I will have to abandon my imagination of Utopia and force xalan to be used as an implementation
I think you're right actually, this should be part of the API, but for some reason it isn't.
Rich Seller
This is the way I've always done it, but here it didn't work, probably a different XML library. I did `factory.setAttribute("indent-number", 4);` and now it works.
Adrian Smith
+1  A: 

You could probably prettify everything with an XSLT file. Google throws up a few results, but I can't comment on their correctness.

I like this idea. I use XSLT a fair bit for this sort of thing (namespace maniuplation, whitespace control, etc). It's not efficient, but it's quite easy, and not parser-dependent.