I am a begineer in MVC and i need to know is it easy to use ajax with asp.net mvc ? i mean that if it is like asp applications when using ajax(JS file,web service or ajax toolkit)? I didn't try it b4 but what i need to know how can i use ajax with mvc application and i hope from any one give me an answer and put a link for articles about this topic not to put a link for general article about mvc i need a specific one about ajax with mvc and specially to be clear and with examples as i got confused from thoses articles that talked about this topic without any example.
I have read an article and noticed a code for calling ajax but i didn't understand it's structure so can any one tell me in steps and an example how to use ajax in MVC application? I am too sorry for this question that i restrict the answer but i am begineer in MVC and got confused and need a tutorial for any issue. And i need to know what are the consequences of using MVC in asp.net ? what are progress added to web programming after MVC is released in asp.net ? whate are improvements that had been added ?
Thanks in advance for any reply or answer