Consider a Java library "A", which is available under GPL v2, and under a proprietary commercial license.
My company has licensed library A under its commercial license, and I've developed an extension to it, which we'd like to release (to github or whatever). However, we want the extension to be usable by all users of library A, including those who have licensed it commercially, so releasing the extension under GPL is undesirable.
Note that this extension requires library A at compile-time and runtime.
Is it enough to simply provide the sources of the extension under a BSD-esque license, and state that any users of it must acquire library A independently (either under the GPL or via the commercial license made available by the library's publisher)?
Or, is it the case that, because my extension requires a GPL'd library, it must be licensed under the GPL as well?
IANAL (obviously!), and I've already spent about a half hour reading the GPL FAQ (which only confused me more with its discussion of aggregate/derivative works, linking vs. fork/exec, distribution and dependencies, etc). Any clear guidance is most welcome, in my first foray into GPL-related licensing issues.