I have an Access form displaying a tiny amount of data for a certain type of record. Basically it just prints the name on the left and on the right has a bunch of Rectangle controls whose background color I change in the form's OnLoad() function, according to results from a query performed using that record's ID as parameter.
This all worked fine, got my ID/name on the left and 31 boxes on the right, colored if that day of the month is reserved :) But needless to say that function can be completely arbitrary since it's code.
Then I decided to switch to 'continuous form' as to display as many records/items as possible. But alas, it was not to be -- all boxes were colored according to the query/function performed for the first record only. I figured that might be because it's the OnLoad() but changing it to OnCurrent() did not do much either. As it turns out, or that's what I read, the Rectangle intances are shared over the entire form and if I change the BackColor for one of them it changes for that box for each record.
I want to be able to change this according to a query performed on a per-record basis. Is there any way? Up until now I've only been able to find conditional formatting (the feature that's nor available for rectangles nor seems to cater my exact needs?) and kludgy Access 97 text-box hacks.
Thanks in advance :)