



I have the following object:

public class ExampleImage
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string Filename { get; set; }
    public byte[] Content { get; set; }

I store this in a List<ExampleImage> which I then pass to the following function to serialize it to a string:

static string SerializeObjectToXmlString(object o)
    System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer serializer = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(o.GetType());
    System.IO.StringWriter writer = new System.IO.StringWriter();
    serializer.Serialize(writer, o);
    return writer.ToString();

I then pass this serialized string to a stored procedure in SQL2000 as an NTEXT which then handled for inserting it into the database:

SELECT * INTO #TempImages
FROM OpenXML(@iDoc, '/ArrayOfExampleImage/ExampleImage')
WITH ([Filename] VARCHAR(255) './Filename', [Content] IMAGE './Content')

The problem I am having is the image is getting trashed. The btye[] is not getting saved properly to the DB. The other fields are just fine. This is the first time I have attempt to send a binary data via XML to SQL so I am most likely doing something wrong at this point. Is my SerializeObjectToXmlString function the problem and it is not handling the serialization of a byte[] properly, maybe the OpenXML SQL function or even the fact that I am sending the XML in as an NTEXT param. I would expect the serialize function to encode the binary properly but I could be wrong.

Any idea what is the issue or maybe a better approach to saving a bunch of images at once?

Edit: I think what is happening, is the serializer is making the byte[] into a base64 string, which is then getting passed along to the stored proc as base64. I am then saving this base64 string into an Image field in SQL and reading it out as a btye[]. So I think I need to somehow get it from base64 to a byte[] before inserting it in my table?

Edit: I am starting to think my only option is to change the stored proc to just do 1 image at a time and not use XML and just pass in the byte[] as an Image type and wrap all the calls in a transaction.

+1  A: 

Instead of serializing it to XML, I would serialize it to a byte[] and store that in varbinary(MAX) type field in your DB.

I am storing parts of the data in regular fields etc. The example is a trimmed down version of the real objects to make it more simple. The the file content is the only binary data, I still need to get the other data saved to the DB as well.
no varbin(max) in sql server 2000, use image
Nick Kavadias

You could try converting it to base64, then saving it to TEXT field or something.


As Gaidin suggested, base64 is the best option. It's the usual way of writing binary data to XML. You can use the following code :

public class ExampleImage
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string Filename { get; set; }

    public byte[] Content { get; set; }

    public string ContentBase64
        get { return Convert.ToBase64String(Content); }
        set { Content = Convert.FromBase64String(value); }

(by the way, the Serializable attribute has no meaning for XML serialization)

Thomas Levesque