
Does anyone know where I can find a memory editing user control for .net?

Hello world. I am developing a small application which lists the contents from files of a given format. The file format acts as a template for describing binary data (think binary xml). This allows the clients that produces these files to store data in any way they want, so the interpretion of all types contained are not known. What I w...

What are some best practices for querying binary data from a database?

I'm being asked to add queryability to a database (Oracle) filled with mostly binary data. So I need to be able to query binary ranges within a blobs of a few kilobytes. I've never done this before, so I'm wondering what are some good practices and pitfalls to consider when starting a project like this. Thanks ...

Is there any perfomormance differences between binary and XML serialization?

in terms of both parsing (serializing, deserializing) and sending packets over the network is there any good estimation of performance differences between binary and xml serialization? ...

Line reading chokes on 0x1A

I have the following file: abcde kwakwa <0x1A> line3 linllll Where <0x1A> represents a byte with the hex value of 0x1A. When attempting to read this file in Python as: for line in open('t.txt'): print line, It only reads the first two lines, and exits the loop. The solution seems to be to open the file in binary (or universal ...

"Proper" way to store binary data with C++/STL

In general, what is the best way of storing binary data in C++? The options, as far as I can tell, pretty much boil down to using strings or vector<char>s. (I'll omit the possibility of char*s and malloc()s since I'm referring specifically to C++). Usually I just use a string, however I'm not sure if there are overheads I'm missing, or ...

Tools to help reverse engineer binary file formats

What tools are available to aid in decoding unknown binary data formats? I know Hex Workshop and 010 Editor both support structures. These are okay to a limited extent for a known fixed format but get difficult to use with anything more complicated, especially for unknown formats. I guess I'm looking at a module for a scripting language...

SQL Server: Server-side blob cursor?

i'd like to read binary data from a blob, using the Stream interface around it. But i don't want the blob to have to be loaded entirely client side and stored in memory, or in a file. i want the code that uses the blob to be able to seek and read, and only as much data that is needed to support seek/read is brought over the wire. i.e...

Persisting Blob Streams with NHibernate

If I have a class declared as: public class MyPersistentClass { public int ID { get; set; } public Stream MyData {get;set; } } How can I use NHibernate's mappings to persist the MyData property to and from the database? ...

Whats AMFPHP and how do I use it to read binary files?

I need a solution to read raw binary from any filetype stored on a server. I heard of AMFPHP but initially got put off since I believed it required admin-access to install the service on the server. Can I use it to read binary files? Any solution to this would be greatly accepted. (No, I tried binary in XML CDATA sections but there ar...

How can I view the contents of sql binary data fields?

Does anybody know of a free utility that I can use to view the contents of fields containing binary data in an MS SQL Server 2005 database? ...

Calculating Binary Data Similarity

I've seen a few questions here related to determining the similarity of files, but they are all linked to a particular domain (images, sounds, text, etc). The techniques offered as solutions require knowledge of the underlying file format of the files being compared. What I am looking for is a method without this requirement, where arbit...

Binary Data Vb6 to C#

Hi guys, I've a problem! I've a binary data that I know that is been created using Vb6, I want read all informations using C#. How Can I do this? I don't data structure of the file!!! Thanks for your attention ...

Are there any Java Frameworks for binary file parsing?

My problem is, that I want to parse binary files of different types with a generic parser which is implemented in JAVA. Maybe describing the file format with a configuration file which is read by the parser or creating Java classes which parse the files according to some sort of parsing rules. I have searched quite a bit on the internet...

Would you store binary data in database or in file system?

This is a question which has been asked before (large-text-and-images-in-sql) but mainly for data which will be changed. In my case the data will be stored and never changed. Just seems sensible to keep everything together. Are there any reasons why I should not store static binary data in a database? Assuming it is a sensible thing t...

Storing data packets in a database

Problem description: In my application, I have to present the contents of data packets with a certain format. An example: An example Any packed binary data, for example: 4 byte header, 4 byte type (type codes having pre-defined meanings), then source address, destination address, and so on. Previously, I made home cooked implementati...

How to send data to port in binary format..

Hi, I am newbie in Low level programming. In my project(C#.NET) we are using EDBS protocol(7 bit format) for communication and i have the data in bit format to send like 00101010 so we would please guide me how to send these to port.I know that the serial port class accepts data in binary format but dont know how convert the bit format ...

Insert binary std::string using ODBC into BLOB column

can somebody give me an example how to insert binary std::string using ODBC and C++ into BLOB column, please? EDIT: Duplicate of How to INSERT binary std::string into BLOB (MySQL). ...

how to parse binary files in Clojure

What is the cleanest way to parse binary data in clojure? I need to be able to read/write equally cleanly to a file or a socket. something like: (read-data source-of-data) => { :index 42 , :block-size 4 , data-size: 31415, :data (1 2 3 4 ...)} and the reverse for putting data back. It would be really great to somehow define t...

C#/.NET - Custom Binary File Formats - Where to Start?

I need to be able to store some data in a custom binary file format. I've never designed my own file format before. It needs to be a friendly format for traveling between the C#, Java and Ruby/Perl/Python worlds. To start with the file will consist of records. A GUID field and a JSON/YAML/XML packet field. I'm not sure what to use as de...

Is there a function in C++ that creates a .bin file, or is this code missing something?

I have a code that looks like this: int main () { fstream file;"test.bin", ios::out | ios::binary); if(!file.is_open()) { return -1; } int n = 3; file.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&n), sizeof(n)); file.close(); return 0; } when I run it alone, it exits with -1, so obviously it failed to open "test.b...