Without knowing your exact requirements, I can make only some general comments.
BLOBS in oracle are not the most speedy of types. Ensure that you don't build to
many performance bottlenecks into your design, and do run performance tests on
the functionality you do build as soon as possible to ensure it'll meet requirements.
dbms_lob is your friend. In particular you may find the read and substr function (for reading parts of the blob) out useful.
Stay away from external C style procedures - they're likely to be much to slow.
PL/SQL functions tend to be much faster. I don't know about Java procedures. As the java
engine is more integrated into Oracle they may be very good to use. It may be worth
doing an initial proof of concept to compare PL/SQL against Java.
With Java, you'll be able to read the data in as a byte [] stream and manipulate
it to your hearts content using the world f Java. External procedures for Java are easy to do - you can even just give Oracle the Java source code.
For PL/SQL, one technique we've found very useful is to convert the blob to a raw, cast that to
a varchar, and then convert that to hex, then manipulating the hex (strings)
with standard Oracle string functions. I.e:
create or replace function retrieve_data_from_blob (
b blob
, tag_code
lw long raw;
data varchar(30000);
result varchar(100);
amount pls_integer := 30000;
-- covert blob to long raw.
-- amount will hold total bytes read.
dbms_lob.read(b, amount, 1, lw);
data := util_raw.rawtohex(lw);
-- retrieve_embedded retrieves data tagged with tag_code
-- from internal binary structure by reading hex data
return retrieve_embedded(data, tag_code);
This would work for blobs up to 15Kb in size. The retrieve_embedded function may, for example, be able to read the first "byte" by doing a substr(data, 1, 8)
, converting that to a decimal via to_number(hexdata, 'xxxxxxxx')
use it as an offset... etc.