I'm in a particular situation where I do not have permissions to turn logging on, and wouldn't have permissions to see the logs if they were turned on. I could not add a trigger, but I did have permissions to call show processlist. So, I gave it a best effort and came up with this:
Create a bash script called "showsqlprocesslist":
while [ 1 -le 1 ]
mysql --port=**** --protocol=tcp --password=**** --user=**** --host=**** -e "show processlist\G" | grep Info | grep -v processlist | grep -v "Info: NULL";
Execute the script:
./showsqlprocesslist > showsqlprocesslist.out &
Tail the output:
tail -f showsqlprocesslist.out
Bingo bango. Even though it's not throttled, it only took up 2-4% CPU on the boxes I ran it on. I hope maybe this helps someone.