
Reading a CR2 (Raw Canon Image) header using Python

Hello: I'm trying to extract the date/time when a picture was taken from the CR2 (Canon format for raw pictures). I know the CR2 specification, and I know I can use Python struct module to extract pieces from a binary buffer. Briefly, the specification says that in Tag 0x0132 / 306 I can find an string of length 20 - the date and tim...

Accessing binary data from Javascript, Ajax, IE: can responseBody be read from Javascript (not VB)?

First of all, I am aware of this question: and specifically best answer therein, So accessing binary data from Javascript using Firefox (and later ...

Reading binary plists with Flash

We're writing an iPad app that saves out information as a plist for later reading by a Flash movie. Originally we designed the plist to export out as a simple plain text xml file and the Flash player read that fine. The problem with that was that the files were monumentally big and verbose so we converted it over to a binary plist. Un...

How to store binary data in a lua string

I needed to create a custom file format with embedded meta information. Instead of whipping up my own format I decide to just use Lua. texture { format=GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA; type=GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; width=256; height=128; pixels=[[ <binary-data-here>]]; } texture is a function that takes a table as it sole argument. It th...

C# - can binary data be compiled into a module ?

I want to include a large look-up table (100,000 of 3-byte values) inside a C# module. Is there a compiler directive that will load binary data from an external file into a static string ? ...

Is it possible to match a regex against binary data in .net?

I know that I can use regex to match substrings in a string, but is it possible to match some patterns in binary data using regex? If so then in what format should the binary data be - binary array, stream, or something else? edit: well to explain i have binary data that shouldnt have some strings inside but the data itself is binar...

reading binary data (rtf) to string

Hello, I've been working on a core data program for a while now. I'm trying to combine attributes of an entity in a text view for saving to PDF and Printing. One of the attributes of the entity uses binary data. When I execute this: NSData *myData = [object valueForKey:@"cueNotes"]; returns this: typedstreamè@ NSMutabl...

How do I store arbitrary binary data in a binary serialized class?

Using C#/.NET for my application, I've got a series of classes in my main data model that represent "binary" (as opposed to text) content. I've got a inheritance setup like this: Basically, the abstract class BinaryContent contains a MemoryStream that stores arbitrary binary data. That data is read from a file on disk. Each type of bi...

Serving binary files from the database with compojure

I have the following routes definition: (require '[compojure.core :as ccore] '[ring.util.response :as response]) (def *main-routes* (ccore/defroutes avalanche-routes (ccore/GET "/" [] "Hello World 2") (ccore/GET "/images/:id" [id] (get-image-response id)))) In this example, requesting / works like a charm ...

Most efficient way to modify a stream of data

I have a stream of 16 bit values, and I need to adjust the 4 least significant bits of each sample. The new values are different for each short, but repeat every X shorts - essentially tagging each short with an ID. Are there any bit twiddling tricks to do this faster than just a for-loop? More details I'm converting a file from one f...

captcha image coming back a binary data? How to display this?

I am retrieving a captcha image from the Java based package "SimpleCaptcha" On the front end I just put the following in my page and I get a captcha image: <img src="stickyImg" /> I want to reload this captcha image onclick using javascript. I tried: $("#theclickhandler").click(function(){ $("#stickyImg").load('stickyImg', fu...